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Tracy Solarek Light blue smile

Leadership Coaching

Be a better communicator and develop a leader’s mindset. 


Our time together will be collaborative and focus on cultivating your leadership style through emotional intelligence to help you build stronger relationships, make better decisions, and achieve your career and personal goals. 


As a trained Emotional Intelligence Coach, I will guide you in setting the right professional and personal goals to achieve greater productivity with less effort and lead from a place of empathy all in a confidential environment. 


What You Can Expect 


One-on-One Coaching

  • An optional, confidential Emotional Intelligence Assessment powered by Multi-Health Systems is made available to you  

  • If you choose to complete the assessment, a 30-page report summarized for easy review with key takeaways is provided to you

  • One-on-One: 4 sessions scheduled virtually

  • SMART* goals with a strategic action plan 

* Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timebound (SMART)


I am a certified EQ-i2.0 Emotional Intelligence Consultant highly trained in how to use the results of your 30-page assessment to help you understand your emotional intelligence baseline in 5 key areas and the strategies for action you can take to achieve your greatest potential.   

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